Literally who gives a shit. Point me to one person in the world who gives a public shit about some random spy that got caught doing spy shit.
If she is a bit of a hotty its common interest, same deal as last time. Add in the whole gun debate thing and its probably a hot topic
I didn't quite agree with this chart so I made some changes.
I start off with the assumption that fiat will be considered as cash or checkbook money depending upon which of those two puts it in a more favorable light for a given question
but knock off a point for fungibility because of the need to switch back and forth between cash and check book money in order to achieve this.
- first change to fiat fungibility mentioned above
- the original author put the cart before the horse on non consumability of gold, the main reason why gold is not consumed is BECAUSE of it's monetary status. If it became demonetized than it would become a consumable resource.
- checkbook money is very durable
- checkbook money is very divisable
- both cash and checkbook money are extremely difficult to counterfeit convincingly
- and of course the one thing that gold has that makes it even a contender in this race at all is it's 5000 year history of value. no matter how much you love crypto and hate gold you would be a fool to pretend that this isn't relevant
Gold has been used as sovereign money in living memory, it was used indirectly by most of the planet. The Swiss used it even more recently then that and in response to their banks printing in line with ECB they had a vote to go back on the gold standard. Its quite feasible gold will return as a sovereign currency somewhere, it shouldnt be listed as LOW then.
Even if not used in fixed standard, its been true for years now that central banks are buying in net. Its pretty much the largest reason for a person to hold some themselves, this rising prospect of gold as a monetary reserve asset is quite realistic. China I believe is avoiding spiking the price (buying up defunct mines with remaining reserves at the lower price is a smart move, same thing happens with coal or oil when the price moves that resource is viable again )but seems to realise its a requirement to balance their US treasury holdings.
Gold is used but only when required, rocket ships and supercars perhaps. Its used very sparingly on computer circuits still, the really old computers used far more but technology used to cost alot more then now.
Most gold used is kept for luxury type spending, jewellery and in India its a form of exchanged reserve wealth in effect. So thats 2 nations with over a billion people who consider it an asset, its obviously not being used now and Bitcoin is alot easier, quicker especially with tiny trades but Gold is more then viable it could become valued for that purpose of global trade/ reserve financial asset.
It would be 'Major' news if gold were used in a long term contract but to me that makes alot more sense then problems with LIBOR fixes in contracts. LIBOR is actually being phased out, a recent story mentioned how new contracts were relying on something that wont even exist during the term of that contract hence a certain failure is being ignored currently. The world like the tides is changing regardless of what people want, gold probably is going to be used for its property of being fixed inert and thats more probable the greater the change and volatility from long term alterations to major standards, like LIBOR or any other agreement.
BTC price is very close to the 7724 target downside and then may react from there. Winklewoss bros must be a charismatic headline I guess, they are the next Facebook thats why they dont give up. Or thats the story, we probably shouldnt want them to but I prefer stories on innovation and real usage