Fuck it. Let's all just dump into convertibles and personal watercraft. I'm sure we'd be happier for it. Giddy like school boys.
Sure, pull a bit of profits, here and there. We want to have some fun.
There were several guys posting about all the toys that they bought in bitcoin when the price rose to $700, and they were posting similar things when the price rose to $2k.. but surely some short-lived gratification, since they could have bought 10-20 of those same things with the same amount of bitcoin or even at today's prices 3-8 of those same things.... gratification versus deferred gratification with an appreciating asset such as bitcoin.
For anyone who has been into bitcoin for 2 or more years, because our investment into bitcoin has done so well, it is quite likely that we could still buy some pretty nice shit, and only pull out relatively small amounts along the way.... and even if we kind of over extended, and we need a bit of cash flow, we can still pull out small portions at these $6k prices and still be decently profitable by balancing our pull outs.
Some of the guys (and gal) who are putting so much emphasis on their consumer good purchases, seem to either be really short sighted in valuing their wealth in fiat or they are purposefully trolling the folks participating in/reading this thread.
I wouldn’t believe half of the crap some people say on here Jay.
People with a load of money don’t tend to brag about it, they’d rather be discrete. Nobody of any real means wants others to know their personal wealth.
I’m pretty confident of that btw.
Certainly, I take any posts and posters with a BIG ass grain of salt, and I think that any of us are better protected when we might misstate our own situation a bit or to present some hypothetical numbers, rather than our actual holdings.
At the same time, there are some truths that come out.. and some flaunting of consumer goods in order to emphasize that aspect of bitcoin. Do you remember mtech or whatever the fuck his name was.. he comes back from time to time, but surely he was somewhat correct, when he sold his whole stash on the way down from $1200 to $200, and he supposedly sold around $600 - but he was still lording it over folks and trolling the fuck out of the thread and saying how rich he was, blah blah blah... Those peeps need to be called out and challenged, no? Sometimes they do come around and sometimes they do buy back in at lower prices, but frequently the message from those kinds of folks tends to be aimed to troll and to act like they know more than everyone else (and suggest bitcoin is dying, blah blah blah) rather than to really attempt to contribute to any kind of meaningful bitcoin conversation.