Not surprising that you don't know much. You were part of the doom and gloom BIG blocker nutjob crowd in early 2017. Why you want to come around now and spew some more doom and gloom? Doubtful that you would really have any meaningful (especially when it relates to actual bitcoin rather than attacks on bitcoin) contribution, anyhow, right?
Hey, man.
It wasn't aimed directly at you ya know. We all have different strategies.
Some like to make money. Some like to buy the top and masturbate furiously down to the bottom.
As I remember you got some nice buys in at the 2013 top, I bet you got some sweet buys in near the 20k top too.
Now, I'm not judging.
It's just different strokes, you know.
Of course you know.
I can just imagine you sitting there watching your money getting flushed down the drain.
Smiling. Drooling. Angrily beating away at that three inch killa.
We all have to accept each other for who we are.
And I, for one, I salute you!!!