It's hard killing things. I deer hunt, and feel bad every time I shoot one. Another one of man's burdens I guess.
That's a good sign. Respect for life is a K trait. But you still go and do it.
Thanks. I've noticed you like to categorize people into r or K type. I'm curious as to what the significance is to you.
I'm guessing it's that r-types contribute to the downfall of society, and K types do the opposite?
That's a big part of it, yes. But it's also far more than that. There are only two types of basic ways to think and consequently live. Those are r and K. Everything else falls under those two categories.
Too big a topic to go into detail here but basically, r's are hedonists and narcissists, conmen and socialists, the type to tear others down instead of build themselves up. And they have no respect for life whatsoever. I have seen people snap the neck of baby birds just for lulz. That was the moment where I finally grokked just how different they are.
K's are the opposite. They care more about their in-group than about themselves, traditional family types and capitalists. They are survivors and warriors where r's are cowards. You can actually tell just from looking at people if they are a hard r or K once you get some practice. This is where the punchable face meme comes from.
More details here: gives the book away because that's what K types do, as per the above. He cares more about helping the world than about personal profit.
So all very interesting, but who cares? Well, I happened across this by chance some years ago: appears to be a cultural cycle, and the cultural traits he describes when a culture is ascending match the K psychology. When declining, r. So when we have more K's in a culture things go better for everyone, and when we have mostly r's we eventually end up with something like the soviet union, which all of europe and the states and australia are sliding towards.
If my understanding of these two theories and their interaction is correct, then we are at most a few decades away from some form of war, and it is likely to be worse than anything that came before. If we are very lucky it will be a new crusade against Islam. If not, it will be a communist collapse that makes the past century look like a stubbed toe.
Either way, the only thing that can be done is on the personal level. Which is why I take the time to study it. Survival in whatever form it takes requires likeminded people. There are not many of us, and we tend to keep to ourselves, so a solid understanding of human behavior is likely to be useful.