of United States Of Bitcoin
Bitcointopia is the capital of a newly formed nation run by Bitcoin appropriations, Blockchain voting & BIP based laws, formed by Articles Of Incorporation, Declaration Of Independence, UN Law & the Treason Act 1949
Hmmm, same number.
v nice find. totally fishy
It's too bad as I have been considering moving to Nevada for my final move in life.
I still may but that would be the coolest shit, a city of cryptonerds.
I went out there for a few days about 8 years ago and ended up staying 5 months. Lol
I really like the quotable statement he made @17:18 referring to the newbs that entered the market during the run up:
"They came for the price. Make them stay for the principles."
I.e., help educate them.
That is awesome. The manifesto should be required reading.
I did not do anything beyond making a response to a previous post, and an attempted clarification of my posts. Because of your own inner focused delusions, you seem to trying to read more into the situation than exists. In other words, just stirring shit....
Or just seeing ghosts as in the italicized.
I have been having a med balancing issue.
I'll take this opportunity to apologize for anyone that I may have offended, I sometimes fly off the handle, incoherently to others that do not have my context. Usually the lack of punctuation and run-ons are a dead giveaway.
So sayeth the Antanopolis.
"They came for the price. Make them stay for the principles."
Of course Antonopoulos has done great things for the public
awareness of Bitcoin. However, he is also busy shilling for Ethereum
and has even written a whole book on it: has also spawned a rapidly growing ecosystem of software startups vying
to build decentralized applications, known as "dapps".
Except ICOs as a way to enrich the founders of the respective projects, Ethereum
has spawned jack shit.
I can´t take anyone seriously, who recommends newbies to stay in Bitcoin
for "the principles" while shilling Ethereum at the same time.
And don´t get me started on the sketchy Ethereum pre-sale.
A good read regarding the pre-sale is this Medium article: lets not forget the Principle of Immutability being paramount.
{image of anarchy choice redacted}
Overdue poll reset. Looks like the trolls, nazis, anarchists, big blockers, and beartards won.
I've been saying for a while that this forum needs a thread where nothing is off topic. That way off topic conversation would have a place to go. As it stands now, where do we go to shoot the shit with people who have the same interests as us but don't happen to want to talk specifically about that interest that we all have in common? I made such a thread once and the forum moderators killed it and so people use threads like this instead. /shrug
So many sites over the years have had great General discussion threads and they have all become such moderation nightmares that they have gone the way of the Dodo, in reality Anarchy does not work. Mob rule is close and you get and then you just get clicks that dogpile.