This book is a very good read (scan is minus charts and links.) First half is devoted to the history of money and some economic theory, e.g. explains why silver will never be a good investment
Dumbest thing I've ever heard and of course it's quoted by serial liar/Trilemma shill Last of the v8s. Let me explain to you scamming children for the 500th time before you try to scam someone else. Transaction validators in all craptocurrencies are designed to completely centralize, therefore their fundamentals are zero. You scamming, lying children then go onto claim something with no fundamentals at all is supposedly better than the only form of sound money that exists on the planet - physical commodity currency.
Now that we've gotten it out of the way that shitcoins do not have any fundamentals whatsoever besides people attempting to perform regulatory arbitrage - which is only a temporary phenomenon that will be clamped down upon by govt because it's extremely easy to do so when transaction validators are designed to centralize - we can discuss the next problem with your scam.
In fights such as Betamax vs VHS, the better product actually lost. So even if you pretend shitcoins have the best fundamentals (they don't - they have zero fundamentals), it doesn't even mean they would win. Shitcoins are nothing but greater fool pump and dumps, and if you cannot con the rest of the planet into buying your scam, you're shit out of luck. And you're not going to succeed because the 'bitcoin as a virus model' is true. The majority of the planet is simply immune to Andreas Antonopolous lies and will always refuse them. You cannot infect (scam) them.
As for actual real money, physical commodity money - the only real type of money that exists - I do not need to create propaganda to prevent it's value from collapsing to zero like shitcoiners do. With physical commodity currency like silver you can hoard it and demand ransom in order to release it, and people will pay it, because they need it and have no choice. For shitcoins on the other hand, you can hoard every single one of those useless, imaginary, 21 million tokens and I get to completely ignore you and don't even have to acknowledge you exist. That's economic facts, unlike your fake "economic theory".