(You're free not to answer this, of course. It's just a cocky opening.)
I'd try and make the bet smaller relative to my playroll, keeping leverage at maybe 3 tops, 1~1.5 even better. "Going long" can actually mean buying a few cents and stashing away. So can "taking profit." Increasing the amount in the freezer is probably the most hopeful subgoal to gambling with 100% house money.
I mean: you know a few things about retirement and taxes. I'm sure you made a few calculations. I know you understand this magical internet money fairly well, too. Come on.
To be blunt, my finances are a horror story. I truly am REKT. My cryptocurrency portfolio has never been large. We are talking less than 1 BTC worth ATM.
Also, everyone knows the saying that those who can't, teach. Definitely applies to me when it comes to retirement. I have jack shit saved up for retirement and I am 50.
I basically live paycheck to paycheck and the balances on my credit cards increase monthly. I have been working the same job for 15 years and I am probably way overqualified for the position. I hate to admit it, but I am truly an unmotivated loser. What has been nice, starting in November of 2017, is that I did get to cash out on my cryptocurrency profits to keep my head above water. Unfortunately, that well is going to dry up rather quickly. Especially if the BTC market keeps going with the current downtrend. Sometimes I'm just tempted to liquidate all my meager cryptocurrency holdings right now. However, a part of me wants to hold on for as long as possible because quite frankly, it gives me a little ray of hope that maybe things will turn around, and I can delay the looming bankruptcy filing indefinitely.
I will probably regret this posting, since I have bared all to practical strangers. Oh well, at least it was a little therapeutic to have my own pity party.
No point liquidating now (RSI is almost 30) if you have less than 1 BTC. If its any consolation, most of the world lives paycheque to paycheque. I also have less than 1 BTC.
I'm just bitching. Now that I have had my cathartic experience, I feel better now. Part of the bleak outlook is that two years ago my partner had a small inheritance. We've been living in gravy, (well to us it was gravy) for the past two years. But that is mostly gone now. Only 1k left of that. Plus, my partner just had a hernia surgery a little over a week ago. So he hasn't been working this month due to the hernia and will probably not be working for most of June. Unfortunately, he works for himself, so no vacation or sick time to fall back on for him. I'm sure that by July he will be back to work. He's starting to feel the financial pinch as well, so maybe he will be motivated to take on another customer or two. Furthermore, we both share a habit that is rather expensive. We both smoke cigarettes. That's 450.00 per month to ruin our heath and make our clothes, our apartment and our car reek of cigarette smell. One of our friends won't even step foot in our apartment due to the stench. So far, the both of us have had brief conversations resolving to quit, someday; then we each proceed to light up another one. Unfortunately, it's probably not going to work too well if one of us tries to quit and the other keeps smoking like a chimney. We will see.