YAY!!! Nice!!!
Finally!!! This stopped dragging... We gonna have 20k by July/August!!!
This makes me very happy!
Honestly I'm just happy it isn't running away $7300 is in the weird 7200- 7600 we've been at the last few days.
We need a huge f^cking dip to get over 10k faster...
The sooner 5-6k comes... the better!
3k would be better.. but I don't think it will happen fast enough.
I still believe we are in a long bear market. That has to play itself out fully before a meaningful rise can resume.
I really hope I am wrong : I stated the same about 2 months ago and am wishing for something to change my mind.
yeah...that 'looming' mt. gox trustee is gonn snap like a dry twig and sell it all ...1.4 billion in usd worth of BTC...just a matter of time....they need to liguidate high to get their $$$ so it is getting
weird enough that IMHO the gox trustee and those involved could just go 'frack it' it is not my money...and dump....people get less in mt gox payout but then again the mt gox trustees and those
involved get paid at say between 5k and 7k coin.....vs the price they dump it to...2k to 3k coin
almost wonder if that would not be better, at least we'd have a reason, besides the 'supposed' manipulation of the BTC price conspiracy theroies (that may be right ...just sick of them) for a major
price dump of this size...right now it is like a hole in a boat ..sinking..and can't figure out why....(manipulators filling the boat up w/o me noticing perhaps?)
anyway, as long as mt. gox hangs over us...and all this FUD keeps slam'ing the price down on top of such....it is gonna be ugly and stay ugly indeed...as you say for quite a bit
i to hope I'm wrong and everything resolves itself in the proper manner....but everyone I know is pretty much befuddled by all this downturn with the 'good news' out their so it is either the sword
of mt. gox hanging over everyone..or major players are playing games with the price (as sec is investigating) ....pick a camp i guess to guess at.....
(witches ..me thinks it is witches...)