Lying dirtbags like this guy make me sick who just make up complete bullshit on the fly in order to try and shill for worthless craptocurrency to enrich themselves:
No, there is not only "one form of money". What a joke. The only real form of trade or non-violent transaction between humans is barter - saying I'll give you some random shit for some of your random shit. The further you abstract away from barter, the bigger a scam it is. It just so happens due to specialization of labor, humans decided to attempt to do that. You can abstract away from barter in more ways than you can count; some work better than others. There is definitely not only one way to do so.
This douchebag seems to imply anyone who doesn't agree to join in on bitcoin's horrifically bad pyramid scheme distribution that would benefit him personally is somehow a bad person. HAHA. Fucking laughable. If someone doesn't like that distribution and believes it's already been cornered by hedge funds or Goldman Sachs or whoever - which makes you a slave by agreeing to participate in it - they're perfectly within their rights to look elsewhere if it benefits them instead of obeying this idiot's commands to use only bitcoin.
Bitcoin has the most faggiest, lying, dishonest, piece of shit shills I've EVER seen in any type of asset.His post makes zero sense from any perspective. The fact he claims there can only be one form of money when shitcoins came oh, 13 billion or so years after silver and gold was another dumbfuck to the extreme blunder. Let's also completely overlook the fact that silver and gold are
real commodities, hence closely related to barter, while bitcoin is a
fake commodity, so much further abstracted away from barter and inherently much greater of a scam.