Damn, I hope you are correct.... on the other hand my original knc Jupiter Miner of BTC in 2013 cost me (if I remember right) $5,131.80...thus all my BTC and ALTs etc
have come from that small seed..thru mining only.....thus, I can be stubborn and wait this out until BTC is $513.18 usd ...before I can 'officially' call this all a 'loss' on my part in any way or form...
(obviously, I'm quite mad, in HODL mode..but being being crazy these days..of 2018....is like a warm and fuzzy blanket....not at all odd....so hell, go with the flow...)
I think your calculation for the "break even" point is incorrect. Unless you only have 10 BTC (or the equivalent including alts) and never withdrew anything from your initial investment or -to be more precise- only withdrew enough for covering your mining running costs (electricity, work time, etc).
yep..that is pretty much true....I ONLY had the miner....from that miner to pump the income (yep legal with IRS too from day one) for ALL the stuff you mentioned flowed from this income...I worked with disabled
folk...never a lot of money in that ..thus the mining had
to stand on its own....also remember I fired up this KNC Jupiter BTC miner on Oct 18th 2013 and that day BTC was almost exactly $150 (I looked at worldcoinindex..but they don't go back till 2013 or I can't read
the graph) .....and I think (again if I remember right) I was making ONE BTC per day.....
and yeah, mostly was in HODL mode for everything ...except those things that were for mining....I also have a mess of Altcoins that more than make up for what you are talking about...for any 'slush' after the
BTC stuff...
so yeah, a case could be made that REALLY the only money I have in crypto 'out of my job' was the $5,131.80 usd for the KNC Jupiter of 2013.......so the revenue I have used/bought miners with etc...and what
I have left over in HODL mode..is indeed profits....thus a case again could be made that I 'mentally' could claim that anything above the $5,131.80 was profit..in that all the expenses for future expansion came
from that one machine....thus $513.18 BTC would be the most definative extreme example of denial of loss of $$$ after any number under that point for BTC (again not counting the significant ALT's slush on
the assumption I'd sell all that before getting to such an extreme point...
just the way it worked out....I retired as of 1/14/18 this year due to crypto...trying to use crypto to bridge the gap between 63 years and full retirement and traditional investments at 66 with soc sec etc
same 'dubious' lifestyle' $$$ wise if I 1) work 2) use crypto till 66 3) crypto goes tulips after 66 again, same modest dubious suburban ghetto lifestyle
so if it all goes tulips I am going to make t-shirts to befuddle those who will say 'I told you so' that say
Crypto: Allowed me to retire 3 years early, bite me!
Thus, if nothing else comes from the miracle of tripping over BTC in 2013....I can say at least that I man'd up and gave it my all....hell, I'm 63 years old ...I have worse problems then BTC and crypto going tulips!
(what do they say: write a book, plant a tree, make a fortune and lose a fortune......we will be the first to know I guess)
p.s. the above while not exactly correct....is a way to look at it from the perspective of which I started.....(in the PSU's I'll have left over alone!) but as a mental viewpoint on the ups and downs of all this
stuff and how serious to take it all..it works for me.
Also as far as the work/time thing...even if it all goes tulips..I have not had this much fun since I was in University....thus it is a win also.