Governments are the people
are they Jay?
Hitler's government was the people.
That's why I hate all Germans. Why did the German people send so many people away to extermination camps? Why German people? Why?!?
Same for Americans. Why are the American people always deciding we need war in the Middle East? Why American people?
Why do the American people keep pushing the Federal Reserve Note down our throats?
Yes, there are examples of governments gone awry... that does not mean that we can just abandon such apparatus for all purposes, especially when it comes to having rules regarding certain resources that are scarce or shared or to keep in check abuses that seem quite likely to take place through an anarchic or a libertarian system.. and further, we already have multitudes of systems of governments, so we can complain all that we want about governments being BAAAAAAaaaadddd... , yet most practical solutions are likely to come through incrementalism rather than pure abandonment.. and perhaps bitcoin will play some role towards positive people empowerment. Perhaps?
Whether or not implementing a more libertarian system gradually or not is not the question.
Saying that government is the people is a tool used to put blame upon the people that elected these fools as if to imply all people in that country support that government. Or to imply that the people merely have to raise their voices and the government will comply. A significant portion of the people didn't like what their government was doing back in the late 1800s and decided to opt out, only to have several hundred thousand men killed as a result.
Only a few hundred people in the US actually elect our president. They are more to blame than "the people" for his actions. A minority of people actually voted for those electors. They are more to blame than the people.
When the government acts by a different morality than the people, then the government cannot possibly be the people. No person can steal from someone else under the guise of being helpful. No person can murder innocent people under the guise of "protecting freedom". No person can kidnap people and put them in a cage under the guise of "justice". The people cannot do these things, only the government can get away with it. Thus, governments are not the people.
I understand what you are attempting to say, but what you are saying still rises to the level of incoherence and seeming failure and refusal to accept reality. Perhaps we may me getting caught up in semantics too much, but I get the sense that you don't seem to understand what it means to live around other people. There are over 7 billion people on the planet, by the way.. not just you.
If you want to opt out of government oversight, then you either have to obtain some kind of sovereignty to be able to remain within the geographical jurisdiction or you have to leave the geographical jurisdiction. Certainly, there are some geographical locations that have less (or different kinds of) government, than others, but you are going to be hard pressed to find geographical locations that are completely free of governmental jurisdiction, unless they are nearly completely vacuous of other people who want to share resources....
The fact of the matter is that governments remain a modern vehicle for dealing with public resource issues, whether you like it or not... and whether you try to fight the concept or not. If you are living around others, then governments are vehicles to attempt to harmonize community values, in other words the people of that particular community use it for such attempts that are frequently less than perfect... and getting rid of government is not likely to bring you closer to perfection, even if you think that you may be one of those who would be more advantaged by such a move.
Good luck finding your government free location, if you expect to be living around other people rather than on some island by yourself some place in crazy land.