scammers of cypherdoc/jbreher class
Exactly what do you assert I have done to scam anyone?
Pretend Bcash was a helpful and useful upgrade to Bitcoin instead of admitting it is a pre-mined (EDA) scam of the first order. We don’t readily forget your fraud nor Peter R nor any other of your pals.
Let's unpack this. In what way is Bitcoin Cash a scam?
Hahahahaha go fuck yourself.
Hahahaha. Fuck you very much., is not a scam, it is a URL. What is scammy about that? Further, in what way does the existence of such make me a scammer?
The EDA was shown to be an effective manner for a coin to fork off. In what way is that a scam? Do you assert that miners _owe_ the Bitcoin Segwit fork to operate only upon it? In what way does the existence of the EDA make me a scammer?
Coinbase withholding,
You're going to have to explain what you mean by this, as I have no idea.
spam attacks,
Do you assert that a blockchain is responsible for the actions of individuals? What is your evidence that such spam attacks actually occurred? That they were perpetrated by 'Bitcoin Cash'? What is it about spam attacks that makes them scams? What context makes me responsible for such spam attacks?
sock puppets,
Like Adam Back's admitted 'team of narrative correctors'? Incidentally, which sock puppets? Are sock puppets inherently scams?
And in what way does this existence of such make me a scammer?
massive paid social media campaigns,
Like Adam Back's admitted 'team of narrative correctors'? For that matter, where's your evidence that such have occurred? What is it about social media campaigns that inherently make them scams? And of course, in what way does the existence of such make me a scammer?
“Bcash is the real Bitcoin”.
At the time of the forks, Bitcoin Cash had as legitimate a claim on the title as did Bitcoin Segwit. Indeed, the only reason it does not currently have the title is that there is greater accumulated PoW on the Bitcoin Segwit fork. What with Satoshi's definition and all. Where is the scam in that? (I still hold out hope that this will change).
I’m not going to spend all day spelling out the many and varied ways Bcash is a steaming fraud. Now stop playing dumb and asking “innocent” questions and go back to r/BTC
I don't much participate in any reddit fora. Thanks anyhow.