Exactly what do you assert I have done to scam anyone?
Pretend Bcash was a helpful and useful upgrade to Bitcoin instead of admitting it is a pre-mined (EDA) scam of the first order. We don’t readily forget your fraud nor Peter R nor any other of your pals.
Let's unpack this. In what way is Bitcoin Cash a scam?
They tried to confuse investors saying it was *Bitcoin*, parasiting on the Bitcoin "branding" with bad faith.
1) At this time the fork occurred, Bitcoin Cash had as legitimate a claim on the name 'Bitcoin' as did Bitcoin Segwit -- especially what with The Bitcoin Segwit Omnibus Changeset being the single greatest change ever perpetrated upon Bitcoin. Simply appending the 'Cash' modifier can be seen as a favor to the other fork.
2) While there may have been a couple isolated incidents of people confusing Bitcoin Cash with Bitcoin Segwit due to the shared 'Bitcoin' portion of the name, they are miniscule. There was no attempt to confuse. There was no bad faith.
3) The word 'Bitcoin' is not a trademark of Bitcoin Segwit, Bitcoin Core, Blockstream, or any other entity. There are no ownership rights to be stolen.
4) 'Parasiting' is a laughable charge. The Bitcoin Cash community reacted in the only manner available to them to do what was in their eye what was necessary to save Bitcoin.