Your subsequent explanation seems to concede that we are in the early stages of bitcoin's adoption; however, I conclude, to my own health detriment, that your chart seems to suggest that we are past the hype cycle in BTC and all matters are downhill from here.. I can see it visually on your chart. And, from my perspective, I doubt that we are going downhill from here whether we are talking about hype or we are talking about adoption, or we are talking about development or we are talking about financial.
I thought we were just, you know..talking..but if you want to break down each of all means.
I tend to take a holistic approach when discussing the future, bitcoin and technology JJG. They will all be massively integrated. That chart is just an illustration of hype cycles and how long after something is hyped that it ramps up to productivity.
You did notice that each of the iconography placed on the perceived bubble is also a representation in time right? So our lovely bitcoin
blockchain is just cresting over the hype bubble but the full productivity plateau is still several years into the future.
This is just hype..not price...not adoption...ok? All these other things do have correlation..but that is not what my point was. It was forcasting that even tho we we are at the top of hype or just past it that all the good things are still that spelled out clear enough now?