The pitch to new investors (where price appreciation to 25k is going to come from)
It's not too late to tell your parents to buy physical silver instead.
That happened in my old hometown (Malmö) the other day. She was groped by an immigrant in a nightclub called Babel and slapped the guy. Later when she was going home the guy waited for her outside and smashed a bottle in her face, bystanders intervened but the guy got away before the police arrived.
That's one of the reasons I moved to another town.
If you think about it, it is a very bitter irony for several reasons. First of all, it was ENTIRELY women holding up "refugees welcome" signs. This is because human females are just like any other female mammal. A female whale will make whale sounds to try and attract males to them. The female whale then refuses to mate until there's only one male left - in other words, pretending she is the prize and the male whales are expendable and have to fight each other to the death for her.
The female human is essentially doing the same thing. She wants the largest pool of human males possible to compete over them. They don't care about any problems she causes by doing so, even if it destroys the entire civilization in the process. They are primitive creatures subconsciously driven by Freudian instinct and all that matters is their reproductive strategy of getting as many males as possible to fight over them. The more people that die in the process the better, because that eliminates supposedly weak genes.
When the good team of WW2 (the Nazis) defeated the French simply by walking around the side of their miles long trench, the French women immediately started flinged themselves at the Nazis and going on dates with them, abandoning their native Frenchmen. Women literally just invite in invaders as part of their reproductive strategy.
But, this is where the funny part happens. These cavemen from Iraq have foiled not one, but BOTH of women's schemes:
1) The act of putting on lots of makeup, dressing in revealing clothing, and presenting themselves as sex objects while demanding men meet hundreds of conditions (exploitation) and give them resources (prostitution) to gain access to what they are advertising - FAIL. These monkeys from Iraq just walk up and rape them, thus instead of the woman exploiting the man, the woman's scheme completely backfires and she is the exploited one.
2) The woman also wanted all the men to fight to the death over her to leave only the good genes for mating. This strategy has also completely failed. The fact the govts are occupied by Jews legislating Marxism makes the risk/reward ratio for gunning down muslim invaders in the streets very unrewarding for the man, so they're obviously not going to play that game. The woman then gets raped by some random janitor with bad genes from Somalia and loses again.
This is why Jews are always pushing propaganda to "empower women", because it's the fastest way possible to destroy a (white) civilization. Women do not build civilizations. When you look outside your window, literally every single brick was put there by a man. It's like allowing a dog to drive a car. If matriarchy was a viable model for humans, evolution would have already created it. Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution deemed it unviable.