Probably your last chance as I guess they will ban cheerleaders altogether as they are so incredibly offensive like the F1 pit girls according to maniac uber liberals.
I mean it's not as if sex helped anyone to get here in the first place, right?
It's not men trying to exploit women, it's women trying to exploit men. Women were never the breadwinners in evolution. If men traditionally have the resources, the woman then evolves into trying to con the man into giving them up. This is why women score better at linguistics than men and speak more words per day on average. Linguistics is basically the art of manipulation and conning people. The women who were not good at conning people all died and didn't pass on their genes.
That's why the Jews - the most well-known scammers - score higher in linguistics than anyone. It's not intelligence, it's just straight up mastery of fraud. If a woman is talking to a man, generally she is trying to trick him into doing shit for her. If that fails to work, or as a dual prong attack, she can also fall back onto portraying herself as a sex object then trying to extort the man for resources using that. If it was up to me, I would ban women from wearing makeup and dressing like bimbos just because it's all part of sketchy con game to try and manipulate people and I'd force them to get by on more legit means.