It's a propellor overheat correction.
It'll hit around 8500 to 9000 and then start to work it's way back up to the spinner at around $13800 over a period of 3-4 weeks.
Are you related to Tera Bera? You are all over the place with your separate posts predicting seemingly contradicting scenarios.
Can you not see that most of my posts are either just flat out jokes or saying what COULD (not will) happen? I make very few "predictions" - most are very short term. For example here is a prediction I made:
itll rebound a little after filling that stupid wall
Within the next hour it both filled the 1600B wall and went up $300. I got no merit for this post.
You got plenty of merit already, and if you were to recover your old account, then you likely could achieve even more merit.
Regarding your predictions, tone, substance, humour, etc... Sure many of us engage in various kinds of exaggerations to make our points or even to figure out reactive effects.
Regarding the receipt of merit for either substance humor or whatever, sometimes there can be purpose and sometimes there can be some randomness as well. Don't you think? In recent times, this thread generates between 5 to 30 pages in a day. Sometimes posts get missed or people do not feel like giving merits, or they run out of smerits or a variety of reason.
Oh, based on your response, I am not sure whether to conclude that you sold 50% at $18,800 ... hm? When it gets to this level of representation, I, personally, try to keep any of my exaggerations within reason... because surely there can be a lot of variation in what to do regarding how you play the various ups and downs, it is not frequent that anyone is going to maximize on trades, unless just getting lucky.