Serious question. I'm trying to understand the delusions and fallacies associated with the altcoin market. So far I'm still not getting it.
Or if you just consider it a "buy" because you think it's going to get pumped one day, then just say so. Penny stocks see their day in the sun sometimes too.
What's that saying, our mind is like a parachute. It works better if it's open.
90%, or 95%, or maybe even 99% of the altcoin market are all shitcoins or just utter garbage. There are those few 1%, and I can't even name them because I don't know them all, otherwise I'd be trading them too.
Some are trying to do things that hasn't been done, and some of them are all doing the same things one alt is trying to do too, such as all these privacy oriented coins, the biggest of which is Monero (and I have no stake in it, I don't hold or trade Monero), or Dash, and in that one's case they have these other "features" that incentivize the network to run "masternodes" which is trending these days.
There are even CoinMarketCap-like sites for them, I count maybe 4 or 5, you really only need to look at 1 or 2.
For all cases, the good ones are indeed good buys, as well as world changing disruptive tech. File storage. Decentralized databases. Privacy. Libraries? Real estate.. it's dot-com and 99% of them are going to Burst (that one popped awhile ago, but Burst seems to have revived now.)
There are more than 2000 alts / tokens. It's a giant dart board or you could say you fire a shotgun, you will hit one of these 1% wonder coins.
Again, I have my bets, but I don't know all of them, or any of them for sure until they get big, but I've managed to trade my way or hodl my way to double digit BTCs. And I'm not even a day trader nor do I run bots (I've seen bots in action, tried a few I think.)
You can call them delusions or fallacies. Some have actual real "merit". For those, I consider them tools of the trade. Or a means to an end. In the end, it's all a gamble, I just like the odds better on some of them that few people see for now (then everyone else will see it and have their "Napster" moment, that one dies and gets "torrented", but the world changes anyway.)
Even Litecoin has a purpose. It's a Bitcoin testnet on a live mainnet with value. Because the Bitcoin testnet itself is supposed to be valueless and it's been reset a few times in the past, and idiots attempted to trade testnet coins.
I get that you don't get it. You have to go deep in the rabbit hole, not just an aerial view from above.
Still working on getting to triple digits ...