Fine. I already pulled all the fiat I can use back in the $18K-19K range. And I have standing buys ... umm ... standing by, all the way down to your postulated $8K and yet further below. I think your prognostication is ludicrous, but if it comes to pass, I will have that much more BTC in my pocket. For the next inevitable pump to $50K, dontchaknow.
Says Bitcoin and its dev team is shit and shills for BCash, yet buys BTC. Makes sense.
Got corresponding standing orders for BCH. If you can't see the sense in that, you're dropping a notch or three in my estimation.
Several corrections:
- I never claimed BTC is shit.
- I never claimed the BTC dev team is shit.
- I receive no renumeration for my advocacy of Bitcoin Cash. Therefor, by definition, I am not a shill.
- Bitcoin Cash. Bcash is a different coin altogether.
How many misrepresentations are you able to fit in one line? Torque may be leading the competition.