At the time that I made my entry into the poll (about 2 weeks ago), I was thinking that $22k to $24k was the best choice for two weeks into the then future; however, that option was not available, so I did pick the $20k to $22k as the next best option.
Now, nearly two weeks later and only hours before reaching 12/31, I am thinking, perhaps, $14k to $16k might happen, and I am thinking that a $20k to $22k price range for 12/31 would be a near impossibility - perhaps less than 1% chance?
Even though we are currently in the $12k to $14k category, our current price range would see a decent guestimate based on the current situation. Otherwise, the next best choice, based on our current situation, might be $10k to $12k, if we keep getting this correction trend.
So many options in regards to the future and how far in advance such predictions are being made, and a few of the things about future predictions is that none of us knows the future before it happens. The future is based on a bunch of probabilities, and those probabilities differ based on what happened previously, and the future only becomes 100% after it has already happened, but then it is no longer the future ......
In other words, TLDR, Fuck off with your "all knowing" assertion that $20k to $22k is not too likely to happen in the next 24 hours. That is fucking easy to predict at this particular moment - when there is only about a day remaining.