and when you google for these lost bitcoins stories most are really dated numbers in terms of value.
You literally have to multiply the reported value 15 fold making it even more "head shaking worthy." (for want of a better term)
So for example this familiar story
I'm sure most of the legendaries/heroes in here have heard about the
7500 bitcoins lost valued at over a reported $5 million then that are now worth around $70 million.
And this is just one story of many.
It's mind blowing when you think about it.
No one takes into account the dust left behind everywhere.
I have one inaccessible wallet containing enough for a good
To be revisited after the next batch of zeroes are handed out.
Why is it inaccessible? You don't remember absolutely anything about the password you might have used or is it another thing?
I have 1 ETH lost. I have the back up but don’t have the password because wrote the password down electronically and the file didn’t save properly. No seed with Mist.