It is not useful to allow dishonest people to operate in a rules based environment where the ultimate foundation of the entire project is honesty.
Bitcoin is whatever the consensus mechanism decides it is. That was the original idea and one of the foundational pillars of what makes bitcoin as an idea able to function at all, and the result is in. Continuing to complain about it, and even going to far as to split the blockchain in two, is nothing short of an attempt to undermine bitcoin as a whole. They are enemies, not only of the personal wealth of many of us here, but far more importantly they are enemies of a lifeboat for countless millions of people when the economy collapses. They are, in a word, evil, right down to their core.
Bitcoin is broken due to high fees and unreliable confirmation times.
- I want to help bank the billions of unbanked across the world.
- I want a low-friction form of money that people in Venezuela or the next Zimbabwe can use to escape hyperinflation.
- I want a border-less form of money that the people or Argentina can use to bypass capital controls.
- I want a transportable form of money that I can pay to a programmer in India for work on the Bitcoin Unlimited website, thereby helping bring disenfranchised groups across the world out of poverty.
- I want bitcoin to be so massively adopted that it becomes politically impossible to shut down, ending governments ability to raise money for war and other atrocities with the stealth-tax of inflation.
You cannot achieve those goals with a crippled bitcoin limited to 3 transactions per second (and no, LN is no panacea either, but that's another discussion).
And then you call me evil for working to bring bitcoin back to its original vision as better money that would improve the lives of people all across the world.
Give you head a shake, Ibian.