Can't wait until BTC pulls back up from this dip so, this thread can go back to Carolina memes and train videos...
That's another very important human flaw. During war all people can think of is peace. But during peace nobody thinks about war. We should, because peace is always temporary, and the better we prepare for war the better chance of surviving.
That's some real Niccolò Machiavelli stuff right there...
Do you have a counterargument to it? I would like to hear it if so. Being wrong is the highlight of my day, because it's a chance to learn something new. Especially when I turn out to be wrong about a conclusion I don't like, such as in this case. So, if you have something to share?
During war people think about peace because they are looking forward to a better life. Why should they look forward to war in times of peace? Makes no sense.
Also you are part of the problem if you are following this "We have to prepare for war"-stuff, as all preparations for war cause actions that inherently make wars more likely.
To survive. Peace is temporary, as already mentioned. And it used to be a lot more frequent than it is now, in our part of the world.
War is coming whether we want it or not, whether we prepare or not. Only question is what we do with ourselves until then.
Incidentally, the ultimate goal of martial art is not having to use it. Musashi said so, I reached the same conclusion before I heard about him, and even Sun Tzu thought that winning a war without fighting was the better way to go.
We have an unprecedented choice. We have more knowledge of history and psychology than at any other point. We know what practical steps we can take to make the future better than the past. The only question is if we will actually do it.