You have the balls to say that paying high fees is financial freedom. FREEDOM
Otherwise I can go back to banksters, why? Different faces, same slavery problem
No, you pay high fees, BECAUSE it is giving you freedom. If you value the cost less than you value the freedom granted, do not use it. It is OPT-IN.
In other words:
The demand for financial sovereignty through the use of the - voluntary(!)- network of Bitcoin is higher than the supply right now, that is why it is expensive, not because of technical limitations. And spam attack, ofc
Freedom has a cost. No one forces you to pay it.
Ehm... no. You basically are saying
-If I want to voluntarily use the bitcoin network, I must pay those high fees. That doesn't sound like freedom for me. I cannot manage my resources freely if I'm losing a percentage every time besides the spent.
Please rephrase that, because only two alternatives available: fiat banking or the dark side
It's the wrong angle.
What counts for networks is network effect. The bigger the network, the more valuable the network. High fees discourage new users from joining, hence, high fees are detrimental to network effect, and to network value.
We need more throughput. We needed it a year ago.
Good comment. That's what I meant by saying that bitcoin was losing competitiveness with respect to other currencies by sacrificing utility.
According to Adam Smith (apologize for the outdated reference, but I'm still young and I still have a lot to read), the only way that an economic agent has to seize the market, and thus garantee its domain, is understanding the dynamics and processes of competition .
Competence in this sense can be understood perfectly in a Darwinian sense, as the capacity of the economic agent to ensure its subsistence.
That's why the network effect is so important. We are talking about a currency and a reserve of value. If we sacrifice its use as a currency, and its network effect, we lose its attribute as a store of value.
I can not understand the logic, in spite of what I have read, to keep the blocks artificially small, to keep the traffic jams in the network, high rates, and to give cases of uses to other currencies.
(I do not want to be misunderstood [which is very easy due to my bad english], I know it's a long way, but I think that we currently have the tools to not continue to make the situation worse, an increase of 2MB will not centralize the network, and is an option that we currently have while developing others.)