To be honest, I dont understand why should ordinary bitcoin users (not big miners) support it over BTC
so incumbent holders of bitcoin should not appreciate sabotage attempts, right?
So the real question is this. At what point in Bitcoin's history do people start to realize that all these contentious, unwanted, and unwarranted forks are simply FUD attacks? None of these forks are majority user-driven or majority user-supported. None of the users asked for them and none of them care.
Bitcoin is not a stock. In the stock market, the made up enemies of a company's stock are like quarterly earnings rumors, worries about competitors, corporate takeover threats, internal shakeups, etc. The FUDsters and shorters use this 'false' FUD to create volatility around certain stocks, but at the end of the day it's all pretty much short term made up bullshit.
Bitcoin is not a company, has no CEO or employees, and has no quarterly earnings. So for the whale FUDsters to create volatility, they need to "create" threats out of thin air, so thus we get unwanted contentious forks, govt banning threats, negative MSM articles, miner hostile activity, glitzy shitcoin ponzi scams (distraction), worry about alts taking away market share (distraction), etc. They used to hack exchanges to create this volatility, but that threat is pretty much over now.
Otherwise Bitcoin would have no enemies and no worries. Zero. Just bullish sentiment and everyone in the industry would be behind it 100%. But this does not work for the establishment. They can't have that, won't allow a feeling of positivity and contentment around Bitcoin. They must create new FUD and attacks every month it is alive.
Sounds a bit like "they" want to make "order out of chaos" (for them of course)