The real problem here is: There are three accounts on the (old) ledger. BTC, shitcoin1 from chain split, and shitcoin2. To send these anywhere, i have to restore the ledger in the first place. Then i can wipe/initialize it again. Now, i wouldn't call myself a Bitcoin maxi, if i would hold the shitcoins for longer, i just didn't feel the urge to sell them for BTC yet. These are small balances, too.
I doubt that it is necessarily wise to sell your shitcoins at any time other than a time in which you would like to sell them, and with any investment (or gamble) you should be ready, willing and/or able to ride out the rougher periods, and surely sometimes shitcoins are going to go down and never really come back, but that does not even necessarily mean you should sell them at a time that is anything other than your own choosing.
It was planned from the start, after gathering them. It's really not that much to make important wins out these funds anytime soon. For example, $18 or $81, i would not care and just throw all into Sats for convenience. So there was no urge to do it until date, but i should leave these coins behind at this opportunity.
I personally like Trezor.. but people who are informed about bitcoin say good things about other wallets such as passport, coldcard, jade. and maybe a few others.
These are some of the more common names in this market. I had a look on some of them already, but no real reason to buy - for now.
I have always been a bit skeptical of ledger and also the secure element being closed source, and then some of their drama coming out in the past 6 months or so they largely admitted that people are putting a lot of trust in them with the secure element.. and they are really supporting a lot of shitcoins.. sure Trezor supports some shitcoins too.. but you can set it up as bitcoin only.. I also found ledger to be quite finicky.. and have some lack of user friendliness.. including that I had one that I bricked and spent a lot of time fucking around with it causing me resentment over its lack of user-friendliness, and sure maybe they have improved, but I don't like having had those experiences.
That's why i asked ledger to delete my personal data from their servers immediately after delivery. I couldn't believe they had customer data hacked off their webshop server. What a no-go. It's impossible to compare this case to paper wallet security. A security device shouldn't get bricked too easily, imo.
I don't consider ledger products as perfect or even close, but they had the best suited and available ones at the time i decided to use a hardware wallet.
The backing up of your seed and the ways of interacting with your coins are different.. and sure, I don't claim to be any kind of expert in the various possibilities, so maybe I should get off my high horse in terms of your earlier choice of ledger.
High horse?
I recognized your opinion just as your opinion
My thinking has always been to buy on the way down.. (if it were to happen to happen) rather than getting depressed (or worked up) about it... sure sometimes the amount of down does cause me to get even more nervous than usual, especially when I am running out of money to buy more, which does happen from time to time, so surely I can relate to being bothered by extremes.. yet I cannot relate as much merely by frustration that the BTC price is not going up as fast as we wished it would.. especially we have been here a while.. and then also from newbies who should be taking advantage of dips.. and yeah sure Paashaas is not a newbie, even though some of his latest posts have been coming off as if he has been making some bad gambling moves with his bitcoin stash.,, whatever it might be.
I don't even want to know. It's not really important (other than to Paashaas himself).
When running out of money to buy more (as of lately), i used the courage to just hodl, which is a consequence of taking part in this thread for some years. Time runs, when i think back and recognize how many years have passed since my first Bitcoin buy. My