Milo is fabulous.
He also thinks gay kid diddling is a good thing. Never liked him and he lost a lot of support over that.
No arguing with you there. Not going to defend what Milo said in that particular instance.
I will admit he lost a lot of support from me as well.
Normalizing paedophilia is never a good thing.
Isn't the whole "USA should only be a nation of straight white people" thing kinda counter to your...existence?
Majority white, not purely white. At least that's my position.
Immigration is not a bad thing as long as it is very limited in numbers and quality of the immigrants. Morgan Freeman is an excellent person in my estimation, but there are not a lot of Morgan Freemen.
The white drug addicts and welfare queens that infest rural america are terrible people in my estimation, and there are a lot of them. Race has nothing to do with the quality of a person.
It's a little thing called IQ.
What we think of as a functioning society requires two things. First, it requires that the population has an IQ over 90. Anything below that and you end up with places like Afghanistan and Liberia and all the other literal shitholes around the world. They simply do not have the smarts to build and maintain a functioning society. That's why they all have dictators, it's the only way to run a country populated by dumb people without having it degenerate into groups of local warlords.
Second, it requires high group trust, and that requires a homogeneous population.
Lose either one of those, and society as we have known it until recent decades collapses.
The kind of immigrants we want are the exceptions. The freemans and the bobs. That is a tiny, tiny minority.