...If I have a 1 oz gold or silver coin on my table, I can walk down the street and trade it to someone else for goods or services with no middlemen or 3rd party extortion involved.
r0ach loves to keep spouting this. Over and over. But he refuses to ever explain how he intends to transact with someone overseas in another country with PMs and avoid middlemen or 3rd party transfer fees. Or even go to Walmart, Target, or Starbucks and buy something, anything with it without avoiding the exchange into fiat via 3rd party (and thus another fee). Or... or... the fkn list can go on forever.
So I guess all a PM coin is good for is... transacting with your neighbor down the street? If Apocalypse cometh?
Well r0ach? We're still waiting. Oh I know, you'll just go scurrying back into your little hole for a while without answer the question. Once again.
Stop pretending that gold and silver used in native coin format haven't been used as money for thousands of years. There's no fucking reason to convert it to fiat. Even US law states a dollar is still "371.25 grains of pure silver" and that debts are supposed to be settled in only metals.
Also, stop pretending bitcoin allows you to do anything that metals don't when 0 problems concerning things like decentralization were solved (because it's not possible to solve). Bitcoin is an obfuscated centralized system. Worst case it will be run by one party, best case it would be run by a few corporations countable with one hand. Such a paradigm has no benefit over existing systems; it's a nothingburger, while metals are orders of magnitude better in all characteristics.
The only thing that can actually survive the test of time originating from anything "blockchain" related are federated chains, and those are the ones govt will use to try and enslave you. So called "blockchain" will be far more negative than positive for humanity due to decentralization not being solvable, thus all open loop systems going the way of the dinosaur eventually and only federated chains remaining.