I am not sure if I understand the comment from Max Keiser suggesting that Bitboy might be going to jail. Are there charges outstanding?
Oh? Ok... I just did some internet sleuthing and it looks like Bitboy might be in trouble for skipping court appearances... perhaps? and I suppose including other scandalous behaviors that involve promoting securities (various shitcoins and promoting FTX).
Such as
this article from April.
A historical fact:
On Sep 2, 2013, bitcoin was $144 (if you like either the last or the first day of the mo, then on Aug 31, 2013 it was $141 and on Sep 1, $146).
Therefore, in 10 years (until Sep 1, 2023) bitcoin went up 25983/146=178X or 17797%.
If bitcoin is best described by the exponential function in the next 10 years, we shall "expect" btc to be at around $4264084/btc (~$4.26 mil, give or take) by Sep 1, 2033 with the total mcap of about 90 tril: theoretically, this is a number that could happen.
That hardly makes any sense Biodom. I am not sure how you sometimes come up with your fantastical frameworks, even though maybe my number ends up being similar
when I am describing bottom prices (projected 200-week moving average) as:
05/31/2033 $449,033.53
11/29/2033 $492,561.90
You are straight out saying that since BTC prices went up 178x over the past 10 years, why might the BTC prices go up another 178x in the next 10 years.. which just seems crazy to consider a similar level of expoential growth.. and maybe if we just stuck to 100x, that still gets bitcoin prices to $2.5 million-ish in 10 years.
Ok.. even though it sounds crazy.. maybe it still kind of makes sense when looking at the numbers.
It is entirely possible that we will be transitioning to a non-exponential curve (log-log, S-shaped, etc), but I just wanted to have that number above posted (as a possibility).
From the September 2013 perspective the current price of close to $26K is way beyond what most people were expecting back then (go and check messages on btctalk from that time).
I wonder how many people will be either here or in bitcoin 10 years from now and what the bitcoin $ "number" would be?
I can only go based on my own bottom charts.. and am already thinking that I might have to adjust them downity because I am thinking that my constant might not slope down enough.. even though surely our world-wide adoption of bitcoin does still have some pretty low numbers that are likely in the less than 1% of word-wide adoption of bitcoin currently. maybe even less than 0.5% but I hate to use that number, since I was using the 0.5% number in 2017, so we better have had gotten some growth in the number of users and the kinds of BTC users since 2017, no?
tradingviewI can't verify exactly, but have a feeling we're going to get back to $30k pretty quickly.
Just a feeling based on squigglies on a chart?
That makes no sense.
I kneel only before Zoroaster
Why would daddy dildah kneel before anyone?
That's a very good question, if I must say so my lil selfie.
I think there’s a very strong chance that we still end the year around $40,000. I think that a 4th quarter rally could kick off in October and send the market >50% higher before year’s end. This would mirror action that we saw in 2015, which I think may be a good indicator for where we are headed given the similarities in position in the 4-year cycle. Strong buy!
That will be bad for me. I was thinking that i would get 7-8 months more to DCA before the market takes off. Long story short don't mind the spike either as long as i am holding some of it. Cheers!
You might be right about the 7-8 more months of stacking.. even though. .it seems like an expectation that expects too much from dee daddy king..