This is bullshit. Nobody in their right fucking mind would attempt to use one of these scam coins. The only reason that people go in those is to gather more Bitcoin.
Is that a fact or a wish? One might well argue that the only reason many go into Bitcoin is to gather more USD (or equivalent). If the market cap of alts surpasses that of Bitcoin, many will ask themselves: do I trade alts to make more bitcoin, or bitcoin to make more alts? Bitcoin's army is one composed of mercenaries, and allegiance to profit matters more than righteousness.
This is neither a wish nor a fact. It can't be a fact; it is an observation. Here's a prime example:
BitPay Won’t Use Bitcoin Alternatives For Payment Systems Despite Scaling Issues in their right mind is going to jump on board of these scam coins. 99.9% are utterly horrible. Only those led on by pure greed would jump on this bandwagon for real (e.g. early bagholders).
That said, UASF Segwit should move us forward towards more capacity and to secondary layer solution. THe price is bound to increase as soon as this get safely deployed. One day we may be looking back at this time, and call it the 'dark ages' of mining cartels.
You too... cause you don't predict, you just follow what afrikoin's said.
Market resist at 900 when you all sat at your 700$ open order.
Most of the people claiming the sold at the TOP, bought at the BOTTOM or predicted exact numbers are full of shit.