You are merely asserting that 2mb is necessary
I'm asserting that thruput needs to be more than 7tps. A lot more. With low fees for it to keep growing. If I'd allowed my network get to choke points for years while knowing it would likely take 6 - 12 months to upgrade without pushing a viable solution while hard drive space & bandwidth price ratio had gone down 10x. And then started pushing a controversial solution that would jack with the entire ecosystem of fees for security until just months ago - I'd be fired. Especially if there was an alternate employee who was offering a network with 8x the thruput / lower fees if thruput not needed while trying to force my controversial change as the only alternative.
Bitcoin Unlimited is the third employee offering a solution. They are currently sitting at almost 40 of the 100 directors voting yes.
Core has a pretty solid way of maintaining the status quo
Absolutely - we agree.
blah blah blah - nothing of substance
Bitcoin Unlimited ... buggy software
We agree.
spin and whining of a bunch of loud mouths
Absolutely hilarious. People have been clamoring for more & cheaper thruput for three iterations over two years. And your analysis of all of them AND the 40% & counting of the hashpower holding up your 20 bil project is "a bunch of loud mouthers".
75% consensus level
51% is needed before you have enough leverage to start convincing people. It's by design. Social 99.5% consensus is preferred but not needed.
SEGWIT fixes everything
It opens up side channels. A few years ago I was super stoked about this. But I did some math on the fees, transaction levels needed to market cap ratio to maintain a high enough hashrate for the network to make it financially difficult to short / fork / profit.
As fees are taken offchain, rewards go away the miner security to market cap ratio will plummet. I don't *think* it's sustainable - need to go back and do more numbers on average transaction amounts, what will likely be taken offchain, etc.
But keep up the smug attitudes towards the miners.
we may go on with Core as it is
I think this is the most likely. But XT, Classic, Unlimited - it's only a matter of time before there is a fourth shot.
Most likely miners who hire their own dev team. Solve the block problem without SEGWIT, disallow side channels, make the masses calling for lots of capacity / cheap on chain transactions happy & wrestle control of the code away from the trolling developers who've pissed them off.