One could add 100GB to the BU blockchain, just by spending 1 BU coin.
This is not a reasonable game theory interpretation of what will happen. They will set the block size to yield the highest total fees, which would require the exclusion of very low fee transactions.
So, we've had tons of "spam" on the network, I assume that "spam" will continue post BU (should that happen). I also imagine lots of new "spam" as an attack on BU.
Miners craft blocks to get the highest total fees, means they are accepting blocks of that size? What happens when a malicious miner crafts blocks of the same size but filled with their own transactions, thus not draining the mempool what-so-ever?
I'm not convinced that incentives will simply be mine-blocks-for-rewards if there is a fork. I think we will see all kinds of attacks on both networks (after this long of a stalemate and the bitterness we are seeing today, it would be naive to think otherwise) and I'm interested to see how BU with it's multiple variables (additional complexity) deals with such attacks. I fully expect them to eat themselves before long and hard code rules to prevent certain things from happening, basically ending up even more restrictive than a simple you-get-what-you-pay-for fee market.
we welcome fee paying spam.
if you guys want to create valid blocks on our network thats cool man
even if you want to do some tests and see if invalid blocks get rejected thats OK too
If you are accepting blocks of N size with fee paying transactions, you will also accept my blocks of N size consisting entirely of 0 fee transactions to myself that I've not broadcast but simply put in my blocks. My blocks are valid according to your rules, bloat the chain, do not help reduce the mempool, and still receive block rewards!
And because your block had unbroadcast transactions it would take longer to validate than a different block released at about the same time. Because BU has parallel validation of competing chains, your block would lose out even it arrived slightly quicker. It is this orphan risk that creates the cost.
Fine, I'll just broadcast all those 0 fee transactions first. I wasn't thinking when I suggested keeping them to myself. They are 0 fee, I have nothing to lose!
And remember, I'm here to get paid block rewards to attack the chain. Even if I lose out on some close blocks, so what?
ya man wast your money
Huh? I'm getting paid block rewards. I lose out on BU fees, but so what? I'm attacking BU's chain and getting paid to do it! How much are the fees going to be anyway when blocks are big enough to include all these transactions? Isn't that the selling point? Fees are too high, we need bigger blocks?
if you aren't including fees you're gonna be minning at a loss.
pretty soon, all minning will be based on fee revenue.
and my node will ignore your 0fee paying TX you attempt to broadcast.