unfortunately i agree
market understands now that segwit wont come
If it doesn't come because of opposition from the bigblockers, then this makes it apparent that they are not really interested in scaling and they probably never were. They just used scaling as an excuse for attempting a governance coup. So when scaling solutions were presented they didn't go with it and instead pretended to be dissatisfied opting for something else.
Bitcoin has no issue with this: Even if segwit doesn't pass, bitcoin's scaling will continue upwards in terms of volume as some micro-txs will be replaced by larger txs. If instead of having 0.5$ txs you have 1$ txs, transaction volume (in USD) is doubled. If you go to 5$ txs, it goes 10x, etc etc. By having more value transacted per tx, while gradually eliminating very small txs, the network will process an increasing amount of money per day. Offchain txs or sidechains and altcoins will probably cover very small micro-txs while Bitcoin goes on to scale beyond Paypal in terms of annual volume (USD).
I wouldn't have a problem with 1mb staying as it is for a while more while an increasing amount of spammy transactions get evicted. The fees are ridiculously low, even for top priority, while at low priority fees are approaching zero cents - which indicate that there is no real shortage of transaction space.
In market terms, the only people concerned about "scaling" and making bogus price associations due to "scaling", are trolls. The market knows that as Bitcoin is, is OK, no matter what happens - unless it is contentiously forked (which is the only time the market negatively reacts - and rightly so). "Scaling worries", per se, didn't bother the price rising from 200 to 800 - despite what all the trolls were saying. Why? Because scaling value can continue even at 3 tx/s, by dumping miniscule or spammy txs in favor of larger & legit txs.
Scaling scares, fee scares, "bitcoin will collapse due to mempool" scares, growth scares, price scares, post-halving hashrate scares, have all been pretty much bogus. I'm pretty confident BTC can continue at least into 2018+ with 1MB and nothing will happen - except scaling up in value and indirectly evicting low-value and spammy txs, which will go offchain/sidechain/alt-chain (supposing they are legit).
Much truth and wisdom in these words ... it was never about 'scaling' but 'governance' (they said that at the beginning).
The whole 'scaling debate' is a bogus issue designed to divide and conquer and some of the usual useful idiots have fallen for it. The techno-economic challenge is essentially whether bitcoin can increase capacity and it is doesn't even need to be capacity of transactions, ultimately as long as Bitcoin's capacity of value transacted is increasing, we're golden.