The future is finally here.
Of course, it is. People must finally understand that blockchain space is a limited and valuable resource. You have to compete to get included. And compete even more to get included fast!
I can not believe these stories about transactions going unconfirmed for days. Bullshit. Very unlikely (like less than 0.0001% chance). I never had a transaction which did not get included at the next block, ever - of course i let my wallet software calculate the actual fee pressure and pay it, still highest fee ever paid was 0,0005, when the backlog was like 10k+ transactions, still got in the first block, np.
Even if they send a zero fee transaction, they will be included in hours, from one of those "lucky block streaks". Also, bitcoins can not be in a limbo. They are either at the original address until moved in a BLOCK, or at the new address after included in a BLOCK. If these mythical "2 days in limbo" are real, they just have to import the WIF to another wallet (or resend if the wallet has that option), and resend the same transaction with more (or non-zero) fees, the miners will accept, since the bitcoins are still at the original address when checked on the blockchain (coins are "on blockchain", not in the wallet software "it is known!") the old address until confirmed in a block not to be).
This "problem" is a FUD, any technically knowledgeable person will laugh on my message to these unicorn people: use a proper wallet with fee adjustment, and do not be a super cheap whiner on a 0.04$-0.08$ cost...
EDIT: some actual math: for 2 days without confirmation, someone needs to show me a 48 hours period with an average of 288 consecutive blocks, which are: all 100% full, with EVERY SINGLE transaction above the minimum 0,0001 fee paid. Come unicorns, show me such a period. They can not, that's why it is either BS, or they actually did not send the transaction (broken SVP maybe?) to the network, but too dumb to check if it is in the MemPool...