Yeah very deep thoughts. So to sum it up if you feel something is outside of your competence, don't do it. Being a surgeon, and building space rockets is outside of my and majorities competence. Eating soup, operating a vehicle, pumping my own gas, running a wallet software is not. Welcome to 20th century, times-a-changing. We'll try really hard to dull the edges and make it as idiot proof as possible so 90% of population can use it, but if you still fall in the 10% and are so incompetent that you're afraid of pocking yourself in the eye with a fork, you probably shouldn't use forks and bitch about fork manufacturers
Explaining earthling life to aliens is hard. I'll try again:
1. Yes, being my own ass surgeon is "outside of [my] competence" & "[my] comfort zone," so if my sphincter ever needs surgeoning, I'm gonna go ahead and let a licensed ass doctor do it. I'm old fashioned that way.
2. I also leave banking and casting my engine parts to other people, even though both are are [arguably] within my competence. Gearing up to do this things requires far more time/equipment than I'm willing to invest.
3. Digging ditches, hauling garbage, and stroking my girthy D to satisfactory culmination, while something I'm perfectly capable of doing, I
prefer to leave to others. Because that's what
civilized people even social insects do -- rely on each other to get shit done.
4. Which is not to say that I
don't do things which don't need to be done/could be done more efficiently by others. I play music, and I'm a shit player. I build pointlessly fast cars, and go where I don't need to go, via public roads, at unnecessarily high speeds. While pointlessly dicking around with my motor on a laptop.
But that's because *I LIKE* to do that. I don't pretend that it's smart.
I also don't corner strangers in stairwells & elevators to prosthelytize the wonders of being their own mechanic, or call them sheeple for letting corporate duchebags map their ECUs. I don't try to convince my mom that overpriced space frame abortions with engines that don't idle below 2k are the answer to mankind's gravest problems,or nag her about getting one. Because I'm like that.
@Globb0: Please don't mistake not doing *every* idiotic thing in the world, all at once, for "never go[ing] outside [my] comfort zone." I do stupid shit, but I refuse to eat shit on a bed of fresh razor blades. Or "invest" in beetcoin. Jeesh