Look at this space, most fuckers think they know exactly what they're doing. Talking about really complicated stuff, that they have literally no concept of. I'm qualified as one of these dumb people, at least I'm aware of it.
Sure, most people still dicking around in bitcoin are not very bright. Just like most people still trying to make their fortunes with
BTCeanies aren't very bright. I'd go as far as to say that these people are idiots *because* they're still dorking around with BTC/
BTCeanies. Because falling for trendy overhyped bullshit is bad enough, but persisting after everyone has gone is simply retarded. Or weird.
That's what I meant by "get out at the right time." Not timing the market.
When you are in the ongoing process of comparing bitcoin to beanies, most of us should realize that you are a nut job, or at least you have nut job propagandistic thinking, and it appears that you are participating in this thread to "save us from ourselves." Get out of here.
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
I didn'tmean to huuuououorrrrrtttt you
So [ra ta ta ta]
Houououold on to that feeeeeelin'...
Seriously tho, what is it that makes you think that people amused by your bitcoin antics are agents of some other
BTCeanie cult?
Nothing wrong with having some people who are enthusiastic about something and not knowing the fundamentals.. and that plays into speculation and beanies.
However, bitcoin has much more to offer beyond pure speculation. Surely in it's earlier days, there was a lot more pure speculating and without development; however, there have always been fundamentals with bitcoin, including that bitcoin was the first crypto to solve the problem of double spend of electronic money which allowed for decentralization, and those facets are amazing in themselves and paradigm shifting when it comes to bitcoin... and beanies do not have those attributes... helow??.
I could give a ratt's ass whether bitcoin ends up being the final coin in which folks focus their mining and computing power and development, etc... however at the moment.. bitcoin remains the main game in town in regards to decentralized and secure computing power...
Yeah, there are some noises coming from the Ethereum space - and yeah, we will see how long that noise lasts.. no big deal to me if ETH becomes something great and becomes a bitcoin replacement, but it is not even anywhere near that point yet.. and really ETH seems to be the one crypto that currently fits the beanie baby analogy, rather than bitcoin.... but it could take a few months to see this semblance of competition play out.. in which bitcoin is going to likely continue as the substantive choice.. Anyhow Ahpku, you likely know better than that, but you are merely saying this beanie baby bullshit in order to distract from relevant discussion and distort reality.. .