Oceania was always at war with Eurasia
There seems to be some fuzzy logic going on here.
Looks like you are attempting to employ your own diversion from the topic by pointing fingers. I fully explained what I meant in my post, and if you want some further explanation of some "jargon", then let me know. My main point was to attempt to get at substance rather than getting caught up in technicalities (which seems to be ripe stomping grounds for trolls)
I'm not experiencing the "seg wit thingy" on my own. It is likely the next step of implementation with further developments to come. There is no need to get caught up in some kind of stagnant version of bitcoin because bitcoin is currently in a very good place, and it seems very likely that bitcoin is going to be experiencing a lot of new innovations and expansions.. seg wit is coming first and then likely further scaling, user expansion and user friendliness changes coming thereafter.
There are a lot of networking effects in respect to bitcoin, so it really does not matter too much what I think because there are a lot of developments happening on an ongoing basis.
Who cares what the fuck Theymos says? (Edit: hahahahahahaha I see that BitUsher beat me to this comment... but anyhow, I will keep it here... because I meant it.)
He is only one voice in the whole community, and there is no bitcoin dictator, as some people like to attempt to describe.
Also, you are making your point out of context, and really seem to be asserting my earlier point. The status quo is not likely going to change unless there is widespread support, and that is in the 95% territory..
The mere fact that there is not 95% support does not stop bitcoin from living on..., and that is my exact point... there could be 50% or more of you screaming stupid ass fuckers going on and on about problems in bitcoin and that we need 2mb etc etc etc... but if your ideas and/or specific potentially constructive proposals do not reach consensus, then we stick with 1mb... .. anyhow I seem to be repeating myself.