Hmm... From what I know scaling bitcoin on the number of visa tx for example would need blocks of 80GB.
If you do it simply by rising block size.
I'll never be as smart as Einstein, so why bother going to school (or as Patient_Bear says, nirvana fallacy)...
Can someone explain why people are complaining about the ability to send any amount of money anywhere in the world in about an hour without having to ask a middleman for permission?
Because it used to be about ten minutes a few days ago, and going to be fucking impossible soon if this shit keeps up. Also middlemen. You'll need those too
Gonna have to explain that one a bit clearer.
Because transactions *did not* take "about an hour" a few weeks ago.
Because if you wish to use Bitcoin in the future, you will need to use "scaling solutions" like Lightning Network, which is basically*prepaid gift card, for every entity you wish to do business with, which uses Bitcoin as a settlement layer* (i think they call it "open a payment channel").
Would be glad to be more explicit, just ask specific questions.
But that's the techy side of it. The meat of it is that people are catching on to the fact that Bitcoin, like just about everything else, DEPENDS ON OUR TRUST IN PEOPLE. People at the top, people who are ambitious, egomanaical, corruptible. People who, without a clearly defined set of rules (laws) and an enforcement framework (jackbooted thugs) turn into spoiled children and can't be trusted.
People who would for stroking/paltry sums, will sell you out to the highest bidder.
Because rational self-interest.