The $7/tx subsidy only illustrates how ridiculous the coffees-on-the-blockchain idea is, and how critical it is that BTC become high-powered money rather than yet another retail payment rail.
Those four tps are the most precious rare things in existence. The ability to store and/or transfer value quickly, securely, and without permission is unprecedented. A gigawatt is a small price to pay for the provision of such a modern miracle.
It's adorable you think Honey Badger cares about ignorant Gavinista fuckwit ramblings and desires for a contentious hard fork and governance coup.
Please take your Negative Nancy 'zomg Bitcoin is GOING TO DIEEEEE WITHOUT 2MB RIGHT MEOW' bullshit over to
Posts like this give reminds me we have (some) intelligent people left on the forum. Thank you
Posts like this give reminds me why we have vastly fewer intelligent people left on
the this forum.
The one island of intelligence, the old gold thread, was committed to the memory hole for grievous thought crimes… for your protection. Let's admit it, they just didn't jive with a forum filled with sig ad penny farmers, boot lickers, and budding central planners.
~The technical consens-o-tron begins to emit a soothing glow, its speaker crackles with static before a voice begins to come through…~
User, miner, business… have you begun to Grok the Ethos?
Things are desirable because they are expensive.
Central control is censorship resistance.
Meritorious Monarchy
Dissenting opinions are a sign of disloyalty and fragility.
1MB is a holy number. Changing it = Changing 21 million coins
Segwit is not a change, your node won't even know it happened.
Soft Fork = Safe Fork
Do you want loss of funds?
Do you Cypherpunk?
Do you write Code? [To have it promptly ignored/broken by Wizards]
Do you central plan?
Conflict of Interest is only a conflict if you won't shut up about it.
Stagnation = Growth
Competition is a Sin.
Altcoins do not exist.
Techno Experts are expert.
The price is rising, and will continue to rise as we ascend to the Moon at 2.7 tps.
Hub and Spoke [Peer 2 Peer]
Vaporware is Complete, and is already accepted by the market.
Have you REKT a Gavin today?
Trust Everyone™
~message repeats~