Anarchism does not mean chaos. Most Anarchists believe in a society of laws. These laws are just devised through other consensus mechanisms than democratic or republic forms of representations. The minority doesn't prevail over the majority,
Laws and contracts are useless if there is no third party with power to enforce them and settle disputes.
See for example the Ver x OKcoin caper over the domain Apart from the forged signature, the contract that they agred to was useless because it did not specify the jurisdiction, and did not even specify the legal entity involved (OKCoin China, or its Singapore subsidiary?). So, when they disagreed over its terms, all they could do was to exchange insults on reddit.
For contracts, the two parties could still use arbitrators by mutua agreement; but if one party refuses to do what the arbitrator determiens, what then? For that, and for disputes or acts between random people not covered by contracts, there has to be a government of some sort, that defines the laws and has the power to apply them.
Now, those laws are either approved by the majority, or they are approved by a minority (maybe empty) and disapproved by the majority. The latter situation is unstable, unless the minority has somehow more power than the majority (e.g. they have the bigger guns, or they are the only ones who can read the stars and predict the time to sow the maize). Anyway, if you are part of
that minority, you may like it; but chances are that you will not be, and anyway the society as a whole will be unhappy.
there is no evil illuminati or group of lizard people controlling our own fate but we are collectively responsible for both the good deeds and crimes in society and we must have solidarity with each other.
That is a nice idea, but don't expect me to take it seriously until you can point out one example of a society, anywhere and anytime, that managed to function for any reasonable length of time without the members creating some sort of government with power to determine the fate of individuals in spite of their wishes...