I do not feel like I have much of a stake in either direction, but it is possible that I am siding a bit with the concept that there is some legitimacy to maintaining the status quo, and accordingly the burden is on those who want to change it to convince the rest to change and how to change, etc etc....
Fair enough. However, there is no universal status quo. We need to choose between code status quo vs. economic status quo.
To maintain code status quo (1MB maxblocksize) requires abandoning economic status quo (ability to engage in transaction). To maintain unfettered transaction, we must increase maxblocksize.
Think carefully about which aspect of 'status quo' should dominate.
The fact that I asserted that I feel that I do not have a stake in either direction means that I do not have to "think carefully."
In that regard, it seems that I am very likely going to follow whichever outcomes and solutions come about.
For example, if some altcoin competitor were to take over bitcoin because it is "flawed" in various ways then I would likely decide at that point whether I will go with that particular alt coin or stick with bitcoin.
At this time, bitcoin remains far and away the best game in town, and various technical people can debate and decide how they are going to proceed with coding etc... and maybe I will chime in from time to time, when the subject matter is brought to "the wall observer" thread or any other participatory threads that I may be reading.
If I lose confidence in bitcoin and solutions that are proposed or made, then I will consider whether to disinvest.
At this point, I see no reason to disinvest or to lighten my stake in bitcoin, and accordingly, I am continuing to accumulate BTC because I believe that bitcoin remains a very good investment, and likely amongst one of the best current investments to be on the edge of leading edge paradigm changes in society. Accordingly, at this time, I believe that bitcoin is going to continue to be developed by a number of folks, including miners, coders, venture capitalists, consumers, speculators, etc,, whether it results in bigger blocks in the near term or not.
It seems that bitcoin will result in bigger blocks in the longer term (maybe 6 months to 3 years down the road), but for the moment, segregated witness seems to be an adequate interim solution to address some of the seemingly more urgent concerns while the technical people continue to discuss and propose various ways forward. So, I am glad that there are people working on these matters and I do NOT have to "think carefully."