I have a pretty bag of moneros. Depreciated like 75%. The fucking aminorex monkey convinced me to do so, hahah. Anyway, I spect it to be profitable somewhere in the future
I'm still mining with ROI'd scrypt miners (KNC Titans) LTC...I shift to BTC when the ratio is about 0.01 LTC to BTC (it is like at 0.008 LTC to BTC now ..so not in a hurry) I probably at the end of life of Titans will be at about 110 BTC and 1000 LTC on the side....just for giggles (in case it ever does go nuts and goes back to acting like LTC silver to BTC's gold....)
but that is about it ..someone gave me like 5380 DODGE thou..what is that worth like 93c lol It really really helped by the way to mine LTC before halving last year at 1.30 an LTC or some such and move later ..then multi-pool LTC to BTC daily....I GAINED 2000 plus equiv LTC in BTC using the method of waiting till the ratio was above 0.01 ltc to btc....just saying..dumb luck does play a big factor in all this)
Held it all I've ever made 110 BTC or Bust is my motto. If it all goes 'beanie baby' well so be it