I imagine we will see a huge boom then a bust, after that those who stick around will build the meaning full economy that will allow bitcoin or its successor to dominate.
I don't care about the busts. I am riding this pig wherever it takes me. If it tanks, I'll have a helluva story to tell. I'm sick of half measures. I'm swinging for the fences and If I strike out, so be it. I won't be some mediocre drone living a life of quiet desperation. I believe in bitcoin and I'm going for broke, knowing the risks.
I wonder how much they paid him for his account? Or his soul?
Yeah, that was me. I had no idea there was a scaling problem back then. The problem with economics isn't that some people are good and others are bad like physics. The problem is that those who are ignorant of economics are ignorant of their ignorance. Smart people are the worst because they think being smart at something like programming means they know economics better, but they don't.
I'm not leaving bitcoin. Bitcoin is leaving me. No regrets. Thanks for buying my coins at 50X what I paid for them, suckers.
Not sure how you missed the scaling challenge bitcoin faces ... it was queried on the very first mailing list when it was announced.
Probably you missed it, like you have missed all the amazing work done so far to address it incrementally by people mostly working voluntarily over the years. Now they are actually getting paid for their hard efforts the knives come out and all the bludgers and wannabe governors pile on like the bunch of low-life, coward neer-do-wells they are. It is not really an economic problem in as much as it is a technical security problem, economists are totally lost with bitcoin, you wont even find one who thinks it is a meritorious idea, mostly they are just political philosophers who can sometimes do some maths.
Sell me all you got sucker, where we're going we don't need opportunistic pig-riders or innumerate idiots who can't count but feel the need to spout ignorance 24/7 on forums.