440-470 at its current rate .... any correction will quickly get eaten up and likely recover in 30min to 1 hour . This volatility is very bad ... it reflects that bitcoin has reversed course and no longer becoming more stable year after year but still very immature and volatile ... hopefully this will change in 1-5 years.
That's news? It wasn't stability it was despair and boredom.
agree, if bitcoin as an experiment is successful, it's price must shoot up many times.
Lmao at people who want Bitcoin to be stable at $200s
How is something with a market cap of 3 billion or so going to be stable in a quadrillion dollar economy?
Some people like zuckerburg and other rich guys don't even have to spent 1% of their networth to buy Bitcoin in its entirety at those prices.
Get real man, Bitcoin can't be stable anywhere below $100,000 and even that is too low.
Most likely it will be somewhere between 1 and 5 million per coin before it resembles anything that looks like stability.