Most people calling themselves 'Libertarian' or 'Anarchist' have no idea what they mean themselves, no wonder no one else does.
I mean, their poster girl Ayn hates Libers and Anarcaps with a passion, I quote:
"For the record, I shall repeat what I have said many times before: I do not join or endorse any political group or movement. More specifically, I disapprove of, disagree with, and have no connection with, the latest aberration of some conservatives, the so-called “hippies of the right,” who attempt to snare the younger or more careless ones of my readers by claiming simultanteously to be followers of my philosophy and advocates of anarchism. Anyone offering such a combination confesses his inability to understand either. Anarchism is the most irrational, anti-intellectual notion ever spun by the concrete-bound, context-dropping, whim-worshiping fringe of the collectivist movement, where it properly belongs.
Above all, do not join the wrong ideological groups or movements, in order to “do something.” By “ideological” (in this context), I mean groups or movements proclaiming some vaguely generalized, undefined (and, usually, contradictory) political goals. (E.g., the Conservative Party, which subordinates reason to faith, and substitutes theocracy for capitalism; or the “libertarian” hippies, who subordinate reason to whims, and substitute anarchism for capitalism.)"
We are well aware of what Ayn Rand thought of us. We don't have lots of love for her, either. We do have a serious respect for her contributions to free market thought, but if you wanna look at real intellectual cultists, take a look at the Objectivists. I mean, even Nathaniel Brandon couldn't get along with her. True intellectuals don't worship their heros. We learn from them and build on the foundation. For example, even Saint Murray Rothbard himself though Intellectual Property was a legitimate concept. It isn't.
Rand was a brilliant but flawed woman. Her books were interesting and compelling, but hardly great literature. Her philosophy survives now only as an intellectual backwater. How ironic that Rothbard, one of The Chosen, was much less of an elitist. I respect Rand but I love Rothbard. I'm a firefighter with two jobs and about as far from being a hippie as you can get and still be white.
EDIT: Rand was also a Jew. Smart people, those Hebes. But smart doesn't always mean right. Karl Marx, for example.