So there are folks who actually pay exchange rate +25% when they buy bitcoin? And probably from convenient bitcoin ATMs charging an extra 19% on top of that?
Color me impressed
For localbitcoins I had some people driving 2 hours to trade with me because the people in their city were charging 20-25%. At the time I was only charging 15%. I've since lowered it to 10.
You're likely dealing with money launderers, or desperately lonely people willing to go to any length, use any pretext, just to interact with another human being.
I know this because there are bitcoin exchanges, charging fees substantially lower than yours, on the interweb.
P.S. Do they [also] pay VAT, or?
I don't ask. The one guy who told me why was because he doesn't think his government should know every little thing he does with his money.
I actually paid 15% for 6k euros when I first arrived here because that was the only way I could get that many euros quickly. I needed it to buy a car.