The problem is that the market does not decide in this case. It's the "Hearn and Gavin" show that propose their decision. The market has no say, well... until the fork actually happens and then bitcoin and Gavincoin can trade freely against one another... that will be interesting.
something else that's interesting is that somebody just spent about 700 coins trying to punch through $263 support and got a bounce instead. We need bigger blocks. everybody knows it. That's why we know the fork will become the main branch.
I'm personally not against a marginal increase in block size. I think 4 mb would be sufficient for the next halving interval, and perhaps we could double each 4 years after that.
It gives reason to the decision: the allocations of new coins has been cut in half, so we double the available transaction space to compensate the miners.
You all need to remember that this whole thing exists on trusting that the Blockchain can not be violated, which means trusting the miners, which means the miners must be properly incentivized, or they will turn against the system.
You've heard the expression "don't bite the hand that feeds" ?? What do you think happens when that hand stops feeding and the one with the teeth gets hungry?
Yeah and Workers of the World Unite! Gimme a break with your commie talk. That gets no play here. The issue is not between a 8MB block and a smaller increase. It's about a block size increase or NO block size increase. It's your fault. There are no other proposals on the table, so we are forced to chose between Gavin's proposal or doing nothing. Doing nothing is not an option.