A bit Captain Obvious, isn't it? lol
Hmm. I often wonder...
Me too
After a certain amount of Kool-aid, for some, it seems there is no turning back ...
It's just so weired to me. Where have you been the last six months, phoenix1? Don't you read the news? Can't you see how big bucks are entering the scene? How finance are looking at bitcoin today? Today, I get bank CEOs to attend my bitcoin meetups. Do you really believe the odds for bitcoins failiure have increased the last months? (And please, watch the clip i posted from American Bankers Conference to get updated on the perimissioned / non permissioned ledgers debate in banking industry.)
I've been watching, Norway.
Don't you read the news? Have you not seen how long price and fundamentals can remain detached (at least 10 years and counting for the global economy)? Why do you believe BTC is so fundamentally different that the same detachment cannot occur for a prolonged period of time? Particualrly considering it is a nascent technology fighting to earn trust. It is yet to even prove that it can scale successfully without tearing itself apart.
No, I don't belive the odd's of BTC's failure have increased over the last 6 months. Neither do I see it's chances of becoming a 'reserve currency' having increased either (I see that as a real 'tail' event in any scenario). It's likely to become 'something'. At the moment I don't honestly know what that 'something' is.
Markets can remain detached from fundamentals much longer than investors can remain solvent and right now, I think we are still in the 'chasm' on that tech adoption chart, with investors desperately trying to find a way to get consumers interested and spending big bucks to do it.
Will they succeed? I don't know. Will blockchains become useful to private businesses - almost certainly. Does this mean that BTC will thrive as a mainstream payment mechanism - I have no idea. Will it take so long that it is superceded ... possibly.
So, no Norway, I am not living in a cave, I am just keeping an open mind and watching things develop without the 'I'm gonna be a millionaire' mantra in my head. I am more interested in seeing how things evolve than in monetary wealth.
Most people are still so dumb that they don't even realise what money is, how it is created, or how they are being robbed. It might take a generation for this sort of change to come about. ie, they die off and are replaced by (hopefully) more intelligent people.
I also believe that whilst there are governments BTC is totally vulnerable to government taxation/confiscation due to the cenralisation of devs and miners. If there is a bail in of depositors on their bank accounts it really is not hard to see how this could be applied equally to BTC if it is seen as 'worthwhile'. IMO best we are still flying under the radar on that day ... and yes, I believe that day is coming
I am not however gonna sit here and preach that anyone is gonna get rich buying BTC now or that it is going to change the world. Crypto is not going away, BTC - who knows. Place your bets ... on one hand it some sort of revolution, on the other it seems like a great way for govs to track everything we do. The latter is not a scenario I will support.
And having worked in the financial servies indusrty I KNOW that we are years away from incorportaing complex derivatives onto 'the blockchain'. Not only would it be technically extrememly difficult, but this is also where all the 'off balance sheet' transactions occur and it will be fought tooth and nail. Stock ownership using satoshis is trivial by comparison. Lets see how Nasdaq Private Market gets on first before drawing any conclusions about how deep 'this blockchain' can permeate.