I kinda agree with you... When I started learning about Bitcoin I was also like: "Fuck this is going to take over the hole universe, here you have all my worthless FIAT money..."
But the more you understand the world around bitcoin, the more you should become disillusioned about bitcoin as a competitor to the traditional finance system. It is maybe better for a online payment system... But there is no REAL problem with the traditional Kredit-Card / PayPal /Skrill / SEPA system...
Sure Bitcoin is currently cheaper from a retailer point of view but someone has to pay the system in order to maintain it. I mean if you leave out the Blockreward subvention a TX would cost about 50$...
The only real feature I am still exiting about is the blockchain itself and the potential behind it. That's also the reason why I am looking forward for Etherum because it seems like a much further looking system with much more potential use behind it. I am not an Etherum fanboy neither I am a religious Bitcoin perma-Bull anymore...
Future will tell what was the right decision.. Bitcoins could have had a top we will never reach again the price is purely speculative driven, there is no real demand for bitcoin still..
All I can say be careful with your money... It may seems like it's 108% sure that Bitcoin will go to 100 Million Trillion $ somewhen if you follow this forum or even the reddit subred. But the blind people will in the end pay the bill....
Well said. Given the average intelligence of the posters on this forum, the likelihood that they will become 'the new welathy elite' seems both miniscule and scary at the same time. This forum ... 'the wealty elite' ... not sure I want to live in that world
Not saying BTC has no future, just that my gut says that the majority of people here are not 'early adopters' at all and will be taken to the cleaners somewhere along the way.
1 million BTC will be created b4 the halving ... seems like more than enough to satisfy current demand, and the over=leveraged longs, well they are potential sitting ducks to get wiped out b4 BTC 'moons' if it indeed does(Q1 next year seems like a good target for that if it happens - the wipe-out, not the moon ...)
Don't get me wrong. I hold some, but I have no FOMO at the current time and it will take a lot to change that.
After all, if you drink the kool-aid and belive in $50k+, why would you care about buying at $300 or $600 ? Twice as many coins, sure, but when its zero or moon that does not makea lot of difference to a rational person.
The cat is very much out of the bag with BTC and intelligent people now. Don't fool yourself into believing that there is some great secret in crypto anymore. The future will be interesting ...
EDIT: I see the typical bulltard response - 'get out now if you don't have the stomach' LMAO - keep slurping, there are none so blind as those who will not see. This is by no means a sure bet, but the proposed asymetric outcomes are the perfect bait for blind fools.