What did he say? Is there any English translation?
Edit: BTC-e Is making a comeback. Can it overtake Bitstamp?
The official Tsipras translator:
A few days after this verdict we have now been given a mandate to re-double our efforts in order to get a socially-just and economically sustainable solution.
The Greek government plans to spend lots of money it hasn't got. So, give us more money!"Brave choice of Greek people not a decision to rupture with Europe. A decision to return to founding principle of Europe"
Greek people know exactly where the money is...in Brussels. Give us more money."The message of the referendum is that Europe will be democratic or it will have immense difficulties surviving."
Greek people have decided not to pay back their debt. Instead give us more money.We came to power 5 and a half months ago to try to reverse mistakes of past 5 and half years
Instead of making economies, the Greek government will spend more money of other Europeans. So, give us more money."We need a front-loaded growth programme. Without growth we cannot get out of the crisis"
We need more money. Lots of money. Give it to us.Says his country has been turned into an “austerity lab”.
Making savings is unacceptable to Greeks. We want to spend other people's money. Give us more money, now."We have sent a request to ESM and we hope that we can reach an agreement"
Greeks want more money.confident that in the next few days #Greece will meet obligations of this crucial time
You give us the money and we might not default on our debt to the ECB.This is not exclusively a Greek problem, this is a European problem and European problems require European solutions.
Greeks want more money from all Europeans.
Lol.. You really look at it that way? From the outside it looks like a master / slave system.
I'd rather be free and poor than rich and enslaved. How can you enjoy life if you are constantly oppressed and in debt? They are perpetual debt slaves.
I distrust large systems of control like the EU. I do prefer order and in essence the idea isn't evil but I think the EU is run by evil banksters. This is the same money system that Bitcoin is the antidote against. I prefer no banks. Just have your own accounting system.